EENCE is a network of organizations and experts who foster exchange and development of knowledge, skills and values on citizenship education in the region of Eastern Europe. The network was established in 2015 in the frames of the NECE Network, which aims to ensure coordination of stakeholders and approaches in citizenship education, and to inspire transnational discussions on the topics and challenges facing the field.
Network member civic education providers are successfully implementing joint projects, programs, research, etc., that develop civic education in the Eastern Europe, as well as single countries in the region. Network member organizations have a voice in national and international institutions that contribute to promoting democracy and civic education.
The content and funding of the network is supported by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany and the Federal Agency for Civic Education/Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb).
The Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia (CSRDG) is a host organization, responsible for overall management and coordination of the EENCE Summit 2019.